Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The reality of it all

In pursuit of a positive evolution for myself and what I hold as valuable to live by I continually seek knowledge concerning our existence here and now. I recently discovered that atheism is in itself non contributing to life's demand for positive evolution. To argue that there is no God is futile and does not gain anything. Accepting that there is no god and moving on seems to be the positive thing to do. As such I have discovered the following link of great interest.

The concept of a new religion for the times has always fascinated me. A non supernatural religion based on reality the way it really is. Guided by the principle of scientific inquiry and based on doubt and skeptical thought. Remarkable, to integrate these thoughts into the fabric of American democratic constitutional rights to freedom of religion.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Dia de Padre

The best gift a father can have is to see his children healthy, happy and all playing well together in the sand box. That is what I got yesterday. A celebration of life, love and good times. There is a heaven and it is here and now.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Postitive Evolution

In the path to rational thought we all seek a positive evolution that hopefully guides us to a "truth". In the battle between atheism and theism I have reached an Ah-Ha! moment.

Recent exposure to the Church of Reality has made me aware that both viewpoints purport a belief in nothing. Alternatively the CoR encourages members to examine our existence relative to the question "is it real, as reality really is?"